
HEK.SI 2024 - 1st DAY

1st CONFERENCE DAY - FREE (15.2.2024)

HEK.SI 2024 - 2nd DAY

2nd CONFERENCE DAY (16.2.2024)


When registering for the HEK.SI 2024,
you get FREE TICKET for the INFOSEK 2024!
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Other participants

All field marked with * are obligatory

You will receive information about inscription fee on your e-mail address.

I agree with the general terms and conditions of business of the company Palsit Ltd. *The conference organizer (Palsit Ltd., Mednarodni prehod 2A, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, VAT number: SI 92141927) requires the requested information for the purpose of organizing and conducting the conference, and as the controller of personal data, processes them on the basis of Article 6/I(b) of the GDPR - conference participation agreement. *Based on Article 158/II of the ZEKom-1, the organizer will also use email addresses for the purpose of sending messages with advertising content. I am aware that I can unsubscribe from receiving advertising emails at any time by clicking on the designated link in the sent email.
I wish to receive SMS notifications about events organized by Palsit Ltd.
*You can unsubscribe from receiving SMS messages at any time.
I would like to receive free presentation slides (PDF or PPT), so I agree to provide my data (name, surname, company name, email) to the sponsors of the conference, which are published on the website. *After the event, we will send you the collected presentations for which we have the consent of the speakers. I agree to provide my information (name, surname, company name, e-mail) to the sponsors of Conference. More details on the protection of personal data in the Privacy Policy.
Politika zasebnosti je dostopna na povezavi:

Current prices

HEK.SI pass: 700 € + 22% VAT

Take advantage of the most favorable offer right now!

Participate in two events for the price of one!

By paying the registration fee for HEK.SI (700 € + VAT), you will receive a VIP ticket for the INFOSEK conference!

If you would like to register more participants from your company, write to or call +386 (0) 5 338 48 51 and we will prepare an offer for you.

Regular students receive an 80% discount for participation at HEK.SI conference. 

Discounts are not cumulative.

Please settle the registration fee according to the received invoice, in 7 days after registering for the conference.

The conference will be held
Price for HEK.SI
When registering for the HEK.SI 2024, you get FREE TICKET for the INFOSEK 2024!

Prices do not include VAT

Price for HEK.SI 1st day

(Thursday, 15.2.2024)


Prices do not include 22% VAT

Price for HEK.SI 2nd day

(Friday, 16.2.2024)

500 €

Prices do not include 22% VAT

Price for HEK.SI

When registering for the HEK.SI 2024, you get TICKET for the INFOSEK 2024!


Prices do not include 22% VAT

Golden sponsors

In cooperation with

Media sponsors

Obveščamo vas, da so bili naši pogoji poslovanja posodobljeni.
Sprememba se nanaša na člen »Odpoved ali sprememba dogodka s strani organizatorja«. Zaradi nepredvidenih dogodkov, kot je tudi trenutna epidemija koronavirusa, si pridržujemo pravico, da posamezna izobraževanja odpovemo ali spremenimo termin oz. način izvedbe (online izvedba).

Odpoved ali sprememba dogodka s strani organizatorja
Organizator si pridržuje pravico do odpovedi posameznega izobraževanja, delavnice, dogodka, seminarja ali spremembe terminov oz. načina izvedbe (namesto osebne izvedbe dogodka, izvedba dogodka preko spleta ali na drug način, pri čemer se ključna vsebina in obseg dogodka ne spreminjata oziroma se prilagodita glede na spremembo, npr. zamenjava predavatelja, prilagoditev urnika ipd., vendar se ohrani enakovredna kakovost izvedenega dogodka). Zavezuje se k obvestilu prijavljenim najkasneje en delovni dan pred predvidenim pričetkom izobraževanja oz. takoj, ko prejme novico o morebitnih izrednih dogodkih, ki so razlog za spremembo/odpoved. V primeru odpovedi izobraževanja s strani organizatorja, organizator, morebitno že vplačano kotizacijo, brezobrestno povrne v roku štirinajstih dni od obvestila o odpovedi ali pa omogoči stranki, da kotizacijo porabi za druge izdelke ali storitve. V primeru spremembe načina izvedbe ostanejo plačila v veljavi, v primeru spremembe termina pa ima udeleženec možnost odpovedati udeležbo iz utemeljenih razlogov po določbi Odpoved s strani udeleženca ali pa se odjaviti na način v rokih, ki jih predvideva določba Odjava udeleženca. 

Celotni pogoji poslovanja so dostopni tukaj:

Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z obiskom in uporabo spletne strani soglašate s piškotki.  DOVOLIM Več informacij o piškotkih najdete in nastavitve tukaj.